Friday, March 5, 2010

Project: 30 Days of Fitness

On my day off, Friday March 5th, I made a personal committment to myself. A revelation that if I can't commit to myself, and be accountable, who will? After years of frusteration of trying to workout, making excuses, being lazy, or just generally not enjoying fitness routines, I made a plan and started to implement it.

The plan is to work out everyday for 30 days. A short term commitment, without over doing my promise to myself. None of the "I'll do it everyday for a year, three years, or forever" type of self promises which are doomed from the moment it is uttered.

I proceeded to turn my tiny 8x9 spare room into a workout room, incuding only the basics: a tv, dvd player, yoga mat and various other small pieces of workout equipment. I was ready to begin.

Day 1: I decided on the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, due to a couple of factors. One being that a friend was already doing it and had inspired me, and secondly because 30 days is achieveable. Baby steps.

Workout 1 was moderately difficult being that I have not had an ass kicking workout since before our wedding in November 2009. A few months makes a huge difference, let me tell you! Jillian was a drill sargent and the video does not allow for any breaks or rest whatsoever. I felt achey later that same day, but it could have just been the cold I was fighting off. I was determined to keep it up.

Day 1 complete!

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