Friday, August 20, 2010

Run in the Smoke

Calgary was filled with smoke today which drifted over from the BC forest fires. The weather was beautifully hot and I decided to go for a jog at lunch hour without realizing this. I noticed it was a bit harder to breathe but figured that I was just having a tired day.

I ran week 4 day 1 which involved 3 and 5 minute intervals. I'd never attempted to run 5's before outdoors but was nicely surprised. (A treadmill is much easier to run on.) I jogged week 4 with no problems and it wasn't actually as difficult as I had anticipated. Imagine if there had been clean fresh air to breathe!

My route was the normal downtown circuit that I've been following. From City Hall to Eau Claire Market area along the south side of the Bow river, across the bridge and back along the north river side pathway. All and all I think it's about 4km.

Late in the afternoon I read the local news online and discovered that asthmatics have been warned to stay indoors with the windows closed. Oops. Ah well, I seem to have done just fine. Feels great to jog.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Weekend at the Lake

Spent the weekend out at the lake with my husband and my brother. We spent a good portion of the time doing chores around the house. Mowing the lawns(it's a few acres big), feeding the cats and the fish, watering the houseplants and my moms flower gardens. So we got a bit of exercise in that form. We also got in some beach time riding the seadoo.

Sunday I went for a jog with my dog River. We did the c25k week 3 day 3 again. It's 3 minute intervals of jogging, which I can handle. The next level is 5 minute intervals and I'm not quite sure I'm ready for that yet. Soon..

We ran along the hilly gravel roads and then back to the house. Grabbed some water and then switched the program to a new fitness app I downloaded called lolo. We hit the gravel again and ran from the house down to the beach to meet the family for some more seadooing.
All and all a great weekend.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th!

Happy cloudy, rainy, Friday the 13th!
Todays exercise has consisted of doing household chores. I know nothing fun, but someone's got to do it. And I guess I can count it as exercise. My plans to run today with my doggie were dashed by rainstorms. Hmm, does typing count as exercise..

Tomorrow and Sunday we're seadooing/swimming at the lake with my favorite(only) brother. I love family time. Hoping for some nice sunny weather and clear skies so we can see the meteor showers.

Just over a week until summer vacation in Europe!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back at it

I've been getting lazy lately. Stopped seeing my trainer every Friday for now. It can get costly! I did the 60km walk en of July and took a break from working out. It feels so icky! Time to get moving again.

Today I brought my running gear to work in the hopes that I can get out at lunch and get moving. Going to be a long run with only one song on my iPhone.. Oops. iTunes has failed me. Maybe I can run to Sirius satellite radio. Hoping for the clouds to part for a bit and I'm all set.

I really need to find a routine that I can stick with other than a 30 minute video. Don't get me wrong videos are probably better than nothing but being outside would be the ideal while the weathers still nice enough to enjoy.

The plan today is to drink lots of water, try to relax, go for a run, and consider joining LA Weight Loss. I hear they're good but require a lot of face time. Three times a week! Really? I'll think about it. A nutritionist would be really nice to have. I wonder what the cost is ...

End of the Day Update: I decided not to call LA. I did run at lunch today and am planning to go with my dog again tomorrow on my day off. The water intake goal has not been met... 700ml all day so far. I'm trying. Off to the cooler to get another jug..