Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Todays pilates class at lunch hour was pretty uneventful. Some pain some problems balancing. A normal class really. However, last nights bootcamp class was all about plyometrics.

Basically this means running and jumping around with little to no breaks, to increase cardiovascular fitness, while trying your best not to throw up or die.

We did sprints, burpies, step ups on retaining walls, mountain climbers, pushups, kicks, jumping squats, jump lunges, and we did a whole bunch of jumping exercises using little orange pylons.

I found out, interestingly enough, that jump lunges are also referred to as mary catherines. Who knew? A nun reference maybe. I'm sure I was praying for my life at one point there myself.

Here's a helpful tip. Before you go to a class called "Bootcamp", don't eat 7 chocolate chip cookies for supper. Besides the fact that they sit heavy in your stomache, they also haunt you while jumping around doing plyometrics. You've been officially warned.

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