Thursday, July 31, 2014


I started doing PiYo by Beachbody nearly four weeks ago. Its new. You basically do a different Pilates/Yoga workout everyday, with rest days on Friday.

I took it to the lake along with a yoga mat, took it camping and mostly do the workouts at home. I'm halfway there.

I'm feeling stronger already and can do the advanced moves most days. Though there are days where I do the modified moves when I'm really tired or new to a video.

I took "before" photos and man am I hoping to see a difference when I'm done this 60 day challenge! I *think* that I see a small difference already.

I'm sort of running again as well. I started the year strong, running once a week Sundays but fell off the wagon when storms hit and continued February through March. I ran a couple more times in April/May but nothing on a schedule. June 30th we ran the 5k for Colour Me Rad. Hoping to do it again next year.

Last night, after golfing in the league, I decided to go for a jog after dark. It was nice to be out. I've never ran in the dark before. The streets were so quiet. The mosquitos were annoying but I pressed on. Unsure if I was simply running to get away from them. Someone lit off fireworks which I watched as I ran. I did 8:37 km/min and 3.7km total.

We have another 5k coming up in just over a week here, the Energizer Night Race. I've never ran it previously as I was pregnant but Phil had ran in twice in the past and liked it. We have two good friends, Mandy & Ryan, coming in from SK to run it with us. Looking forward to beating my time this week and hoping the energy of everyone there will help motivate me to keep running.

My weight loss has slowed since starting the workouts but I'm guessing that's because I don't have too much more left to lose or it could be the dreaded summer camping foods sneaking into my diet..

I'm still losing but its much more slowly. As of Tuesday, I was down 60lbs since having my baby in December. Yeah! And in my mind I'd love to drop another 25 but feel like 10 is much more realistic since I had gotten stuck at that weight before. Maybe this time I can beat it!

I'm doing the Jenny Craig meal plan again and while convenient, I do miss eating real food. But it's working, so I'll stick to it. I'm pretty sure I'll hit one-derland this next weigh in on Tuesday and I hope to hit it out of the park!

Will post my before and after photos once I'm done the challenge, September 4th.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Life Got in the Way

I used to write on this blog often. That was a few years ago. When I got into working out.

I used to hate working out.

I only did it because I thought I had to.

Since My last post in 2011 much has happened. I got pregnant. Which I found out was twins! I worked out by running stairs, using an elliptical, doing push-ups and yoga classes, until I was 19 weeks along and my doctor told me I should stop as a twin pregnancy is considered "high risk". We had two gorgeous babies in January 2012. A little girl and a little boy. I was busy.

I decided to go for a run outside in my neighbourhood when I was six week post partum.

I'm pretty sure I just about died. I was so dizzy and tired, and quickly realized that taking that much time away from running I was going to have to start all over again at square one.

I took it slowly and decided to try to eat better and got exercise by running with my two infants in our chariot stroller. I loved it. I went out as much as I could, which wasn't. Heck of a lot but I did it for fun. I'd also walk with them in the stroller for an hour or more at a time. Most of my baby weight fell off, and I wasn't really even trying very hard.

When I had just 12 pounds (out of the approx 70lbs I'd gained in pregnancy) to go, I found out I was pregnant again and expecting baby number three.

I didn't exercise much at all during my second pregnancy, and I ate much more sugar than I had in my first. I gained about 60lbs while pregnant and lost 20 of those when I had a beautiful baby boy in December 2013. I was busy.

I stayed right at that weight until April, when I decided to do something about it. I re-joined Jenny Craig and I ran a few times. I love running now but I find it hard to do and to find the time to actually go outside by myself, is like winning the lottery. If I could find a jogger which would fit three small kids I'd buy it, but it doesn't exist. So we bought a treadmill. I used it in the spring when the weather was still not so nice. Now that it's summer I haven't used it in a bit, but I plan to this fall and winter.

Three weeks ago I bought the new workout series PiYo and started following their schedule of a workout per day.

I've now lost 59lbs total since having my son and I feel great. My old pre-baby clothing is starting to fit again and some of it is even too big now. I'm feeling more toned and stronger than I have in years.

I've got another 4.5 weeks to go on PiYo to compete the 60 day challenge and I'm going to do it. I'm determined and I am stubborn.